RIME, ex. 27 (P222448)

Update made on 2024-06-03 at 10:40:36 by Firth, Richard for Firth, Richard

publications_key Frayne2008RIME1; King1900CT9; Sollberger1956CIRPL; Steible1982FAOS5/1; Such-Gutiérrez2010Königsinschriften; Walker1981CBI Frayne2007;1432053;1451704
publications_type primary; history; history; history; citation; citation primary;history;history
publications_exact_ref 09.03.09, ex. 27; p. 01, BM 085978; Ean 48; Ean 22, AA; p. 152-156; 001 09.03.09, ex. 27
publications_comment ; ; ; ; ;
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