
Abbreviations Search
Abbreviation Fullform Type Publication
Lipiteshtar 02 (8tOr 49, 16; RIME 4 Lipiteshtar 4)
Lipiteshtar seal b (8tOr 49, 22 Lipiteshtar 9; RIME 4 Lipiteshtar 2002)
Lipiteshtar seal d (RIME 4 Lipiteshtar 2004)
Lipiteshtar 11 (RIME 4, 48f. Lipiteshtar 2)
Lipiteshtar 12 (RIME 4, 59f. Lipiteshtar 7)
Lipiteshtar 01 (StOr 49, 15f.; RIME 4 Lipiteshtar 1)
Lipiteshtar 03 (StOr 49, 17; RIME 4 Lipiteshtar 5)
Lipiteshtar 04 (StOr 49, 18, RIME 4 Lipiteshtar 6)
Lipiteshtar 06 (StOr 49, 20, RIME 4 not included)
Lipiteshtar 07 (StOr 49, 21f.; RIME 4 Lipiteshtar 8)
Lipiteshtar seal a (StOr 49, 22 Lipiteshtar 8; RIME 4 Lipiteshtar 2001)
Lipiteshtar seal c (StOr 49, 23 Lipiteshtar 10; RIME 4 Lipiteshtar 2003)
LAK A. Deimel, Liste der archaischen Keilschriftzeichen (= WVDOG 40, 1922)
LKU A. Falkenstein, Literarische Keilschrifttexte aus Uruk (Berlin 1931)
LBAT A. Sachs/T. Pinches/ J. Strassmaier, Late Babylonian Astronomical and Related Texts (London 1955)
Landfahrzeuge (aka A. Salonen, Landfahrzeuge) A. Salonen, Die Landfahrzeuge des alten Mesopotamien (Helsinki 1951), (=AASF B 72/III)
LE C. Wilcke, Das Lugalbandaepos (Wiesbaden 1969)
Lugalbandaepos C. Wilcke, Das Lugalbandaepos, 1969
Luckenbill Adab D. Luckenbill, Inscriptions from Adab (= 0IP 14)
LTBA Die lexikalischen Tafelserien der Babylonier und Assyrer, Bd. I L. Matous; Bd. II W. von Soden (Berlin 1933)
Lenormant Choix F. Lenormant, Choix de textes cunéiformes (1873-1875)
L'uomo G. Pettinato, L'uomo cominciò a scrivere. Iscrizioni cuneiformi della Collezione Michail (Milano 1997)
La province (aka Prov. mér.) J.-P. Grégoire, La province meridionale de l'état de Lagash
LKA L. Ebeling, Literarische Keilschrifttexte aus Assur (Berlin 1953)
LIH L. King, The Letters and Inscriptions of Hammurabi (London 1889-1900)
Lingua di Ebla La Lingua di Ebla, ed. L. Cagni
l.e. left edge
LAOS Leipziger Altorientalische Studien (from 2011)
LSS Leipziger Semitistische Studien (Leipzig 1903- 1920); NF = Neue Folge (1931-1932)
Letter from PN to Nininsina letter-prayer, SEM 74
Letter from PN to Nanna letter-prayer; A. Falkenstem, AnBibl 12, 69ff.; A. Sjöberg Mondgott 104ff.
Letter to Ninshubur letter-prayer; C.B.F. Walker and S.N. Kramer, Iraq 44, 78ff.
Lugalnisag to Enlilmassu letter; Ali Letters 130ff. B 16
Lipiteshtar to Nannakiag letter; Ali Letters 76ff. B 5
Lugalnisag to a King 1 letter; Ali Letters 85ff. B 7
Lugalnisag to a King 2 letter; Ali Letters 92ff. B 8
Letter to Zimrilim letter; D. Charpin, Rencontre 35, 7ff.
Letter from PN to a King(?) letter; ISET 2, 117 Ni.4164 rev.
Letter from PN to Enlilbani letter; ISET 2, 119 Ni.4326+ 9ff.
Lugaliblla to Lugalnisag letter; J. Nougayrol, Ugaritica 5, 23ff.; rev. ms. M. Civil
Luninurta to Inamlaandulduga letter; M.E. Cohen, WO 9, I0ff.
Lugalibila to Giriniisag letter; ms. Univ. Museum
Levant Levant. Journal of the British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem (London 1969 ff.) Journal
Lu lex. series lu2 = sha; MSL 12, 87ff.
lex. lexical (texts)
Lexical lexical reference(s)
LIMC Lexicon iconographicum mythologicae classicae (Zurich 1981 ff.)
LexAe (aka LexAe., LexÄ) Lexikon der Ägyptologie (Wiesbaden 1975-92)
LoC Library of Congress
Lugalbanda Epic II lit. comp.; C. Wilcke, Das Lugalbandacpos; R. Falkowitz, JAOS 103, 103ff.; rev. ms. Å.W. Sjöberg
Lisin's Lament lit. comp.; CBS 8508 (STVC 121) and dupl.
Lipiteshtar B lit. comp.; H. Vanstiphout, JCS 30 33ff
Lugale (aka van Dijk Lugale) lit. comp.; J. van Dijk, Lugal ud me-lam-BI; Sippar Version = F.N.H. Al-Rawi, Iraq 57 (1995) 199-223
Lipiteshtar and the Plow lit. comp.; ms. M. Civil
Lugalbanda Epic I lit. comp.; ms. S. Cohen, rev. by Å.W. Sjöberg; W.W. Hallo, JAOS 103, 165ff.
Lamentation over Sumer and Ur lit. comp.; P. Michalowski, The Lamentation over the Destruction of Sumer and Ur (= MC 1)
Lipiteshtar C lit. comp.; Römer SKIZ 10ff.
Lipiteshtar A lit. comp.; Römer SKIZ 29ff.; rev. ms. Univ. Museum
Lipiteshtar D lit. comp.; Römer SKIZ 6ff.
Laws of Urnammu lit. comp.; Roth Law Collections 13ff.
Laws of Lipiteshtar lit. comp.; Roth Law Collections 23ff.
Lamentation over Ur lit. comp.; S.N. Kramer, AS 12; rev. ms. H. Vanstiphout
Lullaby lit. comp.; S.N. Kramer, Studi in onore di Edoardo Volterra 6, 191ff, and dupls.; rev. ms. A. Cavlgneaux
lit. literary (texts)
LAPO Littératures anciennes du Proche-Orient
loc. locative
loc.-term. locative-terminative
Law Collections M. Roth, Law Collections from Mesopotamia and Asia Minor
Lamentations M.E. Cohen, The Canonical Lamentations of Ancient Mesopotamia
Letters (aka LEM) P. Michalowski, Letters from Early Mesopotamia, by Piotr Michalowski, edited by Erica Reiner (Writings from the Ancient World, vol. 3, Atlanta, Ga. Scholars Press, 1993)
LSU P. Michalowski, The Lamentation over the Destruction of Sumer and Ur (= MC 1)
Lipiteshtar 1ff. royal inscr.
Lugalannemundu Inscr. royal inscr.; H. Guterbock, ZA 42, 40ff.; new ms. P. Michalowski
Lugalkisalsi lff. royal inscr.; Steible ABW 2,
Lugal-TAR-si of Kish royal inscr.; Steible ABW 2, 218f.
Lugalkigmnedudu lff. royal inscr.; Steible ABW 2, 298ff.
Lugalzagesi lff. royal inscr.; Steible ABW 2, 310ff.
Lushaga royal inscr.; Steible NBW 2,
Lu'utu lff. royal inscr.; Steible NBW 2, 343f.
LAS S. Parpola, Letters from Assyrian Scholars to the Kings Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal, I (= AGAT 5/1, 1970); II (= AGAT 5/2, 1983)
Language of Ebla Studies on the Language of Ebla, ed. P. Fronzaroli, Quaderni di Semitistica 13
LFBD T. Fish, Letters of the First Babylonian Dynasty
L Tablet siglum of texts in the Archeological Museum in Istanbul (Lagash/Girsu)
LB tablets in the de Liagre Bohl Collection (Leiden)
Leather V.E. Crawford, Terminology of the Leather Industry in Late Sumerian Times (diss., Yale Univ.)
Love Songs Y. Sefati, Love Songs in Sumerian literature (diss., Bar- Ilan Univ.)

Total 86 record(s)

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CDLI contributors. 2025. “Abbreviations.” Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative. February 13, 2025.
CDLI contributors. (2025, February 13). Abbreviations. Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative.
CDLI contributors (2025) Abbreviations, Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative. Available at: (Accessed: February 13, 2025).
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TI  - Abbreviations
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