Update event

approved by CDLI

Atf update submitted by Foxvog, Daniel A. on 2011-05-06 at 10:05:56 with credits to Foxvog, Daniel A.

Changes to inscriptions in this update

Artifact Revision Changes
RIME, ex. n (P222650) 2122517
&P222650 = FAOS 05/1, Ukg 48
#version: 0.1
#version: 0.4
#atf: lang sux
@object ovoid tag
1. {d}ba-ba6 menx(|GA2xEN|) zi
#tr.en: Baba is the true crown
2. URU-KA-gi-na-ka
3. mu-bi
#tr.en: of URU-KA-gina
3. mu-bi
#tr.en: is its name.
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