Update event

approved by CDLI

Atf update submitted by Foxvog, Daniel A. on 2011-09-19 at 08:11:24 with credits to Foxvog, Daniel A.

Changes to inscriptions in this update

Artifact Revision Changes
RIME, ex. 01 (P222506) 2121887
e2-ad-da-ka-ra only appears a few times in words list
alan-na-ni only appears a few times in words list
mu-du2 does not appear in words list
sur-{d}nansze does not appear in words list
IM-KA-|ZI&ZI.SZE3| does not appear in words list
NINA{ki}-ka only appears a few times in words list
e2-ad-da-ka-ra only appears a few times in words list
e-na-du3 only appears a few times in words list
&P222506 = FAOS 05/1, Ent 01
#version: 0.6
#version: 0.7
#atf: lang sux
@object statue
@column 1
1. [{d}]en-lil2
#tr.en: For Enlil
2. [e2]-ad-[da]-ka-ra
#tr.en: of the House of the Father (temple),
3. en-mete-na
#tr.en: Enmetena,
4. ensi2
#tr.en: ruler
5. lagasz{ki}
#tr.en: of Lagaš,
6. sza3 pa3-da
#tr.en: chosen by the heart
7. {d}nansze
#tr.en: of Nanše,
8. ensi2 gal
#tr.en: chief ruler
9. {d}nin-gir2-su2-ka
#tr.en: of Ningirsu,
10. [dumu] en-an-[na]-tum2
#tr.en: son of Enanatum,
11. ensi2
#tr.en: ruler
12. lagasz{ki}-ka
#tr.en: of Lagaš,
13. dumu-KA
#tr.en: descendant
14. ur-{d}nansze
#tr.en: of Ur-Nanše,
15. lugal
#tr.en: king
16. lagasz{ki}-ka-ke4
#tr.en: of Lagaš,
17. {d}nin-gir2-su2-ra
#tr.en: for Ningirsu
18. esz3 dug-ru
#tr.en: the shrine Dugru
19. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: he built,
20. a-husz
#tr.en: and the Ahuš,
@column 2
1. e2 igi zi bar-ra
#tr.en: the temple that he (Ningirsu) views with a steadfast eye,
2. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: he built.
3. {d}lugal-uru11{ki}-ra
#tr.en: For lugalurub
4. e2-gal uru11{ki}-ka-ni
#tr.en: his palace of Urub
5. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: he built.
6. {d}nansze
#tr.en: For Nanše
7. e2-engur-ra zu2-lum-ma
#tr.en: the E'engura of (the field) Zulum
8. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: he built.
9. {d}en-ki
#tr.en: For Enki,
10. lugal eridu{ki}-ra
#tr.en: the king of Eridu,
11. abzu pa5-sir2-ra
#tr.en: the Abzu of Pasira
12. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: he built.
13. {d}nin-hur-sag-ra
#tr.en: For Ninhursaga
14. gi-gu3-na
#tr.en: the temple terrace
15. tir ku3-ga
#tr.en: of the sacred grove
16. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: he built.
17. {d}nin-gir2-su2-ra
#tr.en: For Ningirsu
18. an-ta-sur-ra
#tr.en: the Antasura
19. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: he built,
20. sza3-pa3-da
#tr.en: and the Chosen by the Heart (temple)
21. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: he built.
22. e2 {d}ga2-tum3-du10
#tr.en: The temple of Gatumdu
23. mu-du3
#tr.en: he built.
@column 3
1. {d}nansze
#tr.en: For Nanše
2. gi-gu3-na mah-ni
#tr.en: her great temple terrace
3. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: he built,
4. e2-ni ki-be2 mu-na-gi4
#tr.en: and her temple he restored.
5. {d}en-lil2-la
#tr.en: For Enlil
6. e2-ad-da im-sag-ga2
#tr.en: the House of the Father (temple) of Imsag
7. mu-na-du3
#tr.en: he built.
8. u4-ba en-mete-na-ke4
#tr.en: At that time, Enmetena
9. alan-na-ni
#tr.en: (this) his statue
10. mu-du2
#tr.en: he created,
11. en-mete-na {d}en-lil2-le ki ag2
#tr.en: and Enmetena (is) Beloved by Enlil
12. mu mu-ni-sa4
#tr.en: he named it.
13. {d}en-lil2-la
#tr.en: To Enlil
14. e2-a
#tr.en: into the temple
@column 4
1. mu-na-ni-kux(DU)
#tr.en: he had it brought.
2. en-mete-na
#tr.en: Enmetena,
3. lu2 e2-ad-da du3-a
#tr.en: the man who built the House of the Father --
4. dingir-ra-ni
#tr.en: may his (personal) god
5. {d}szul-|MUSZxPA|
#tr.en: Šul-MUŠxPA
6. nam-ti
#tr.en: for the life
7. en-mete-na-ka-sze3
#tr.en: of Enmetena
8. u4 ul-la-sze3
#tr.en: unto distant days
9. {d}en-lil2-la
#tr.en: to Enlil
10. giri17 szu he2-na-gal2
10. kiri3 szu he2-na-gal2
#tr.en: make obeisances!
@column 5
1. 2(bur'u@c) 5(bur3@c) GAN2 en-an-na-tum2 sur-{d}nansze e-ta-e11
#tr.en: 25 bur of fields drained(?) (by) Enanatum (in) the Ditch of Nanše,
2. 1(bur'u@c) 1(bur3@c) GAN2 IM-KA-|ZI&ZI.SZE3|
#tr.en: 11 bur of fields of ... rushes,
3. GAN2 ambar NINA{ki}-ka
#tr.en: fields in the Marsh of Nigin
4. pa5 ku3-ge us2-sa
#tr.en: bordering on the Holy Canal,
5. 1(szar2@c) GAN2 {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: and 60 bur of fields (already belonging to) Enlil,
@column 6
1. GAN2 gu2-edin-na-ka
#tr.en: fields of the Gu'edena,
2. en-mete-na
#tr.en: Enmetena,
3. ensi2
#tr.en: ruler
4. lagasz{ki}-ke4
#tr.en: of Lagaš,
5. {d}en-lil2
#tr.en: for Enlil
6. e2-ad-da-ka-ra
#tr.en: of the House of the Father,
7. gir2 e-na-du3
#tr.en: built (the needed) paths(?).
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