KAR 121 (P369101)
Medical tablet excavated in Assur (mod. Qalat Sherqat), dated to the Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC) period and now kept in Vorderasiatisches Museum, Berlin, GermanyMetadata / catalogue
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Text data
As ATF As JTFLinked annotations
As TTL As JSON-LD As RDF/JSON As RDF/XMLMuseum Collection(s)
Vorderasiatisches Museum, Berlin, GermanyMuseum Number
VAT 11239Provenience
Assur (mod. Qalat Sherqat)Artifact Type
1'. [...] _du3#_-usz# [...]
2'. [...] e# tu-lap-pat# [...]
single ruling
3'. [...] x it-te-nen-bi [...]
4'. [...] x ti _na2-na2_-al# [...]
5'. [...] _{mul#}gir2-tab ur4-ur4_ x [...]
6'. [...] x szub da kar-szu2 _{u2}har#_ [...]
7'. [...] _szub#{ub}-szub si dara3-masz_ x [...]
8'. [... x]-tim ana _igi {mul}gir2-tab_ [...]
9'. [...] _eme#-sal-la {na4}ka-diri_ ina ra# [...]
10'. [...] _{gisz}eren-na_ u3 _{gisz}szur-min3_ ina _i3-gisz#_ [...]
11'. [...] lam-su zi-qut x [...]
Consult previous versions and their differences
Consult sign list of Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC)
Consult word list of Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC)
- Artifact type: Tablet
- Material: Clay
- Measurements (mm):
- Weight:
- Artifact Preservation:
- Condition Description:
- Join Information:
- Seal no.:
- Seal information:
- Artifact comments:
- Genre(s): Scholarly or scientific > Medical (medical)
- Language(s): Akkadian
primary: KAR, 121
[Ebeling1919-1923KAR] Ebeling, Erich. 1919-1923. Keilschrifttexte Aus Assur Religiösen Inhalts. Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen Der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft, Band 28 & 34. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs.
history: BAM 3, 203
[Köcher1964BAM3] Köcher, Franz. 1964. Keilschrifttexte Aus Assur 3. Vol. 3. Die Babylonisch-Assyrische Medizin in Texten Und Untersuchungen. De Gruyter.
history: KAL 2, 35
[Schwemer2007KAL2] Schwemer, Daniel. 2007. Rituale Und Beschwörungen Gegen Schadenzauber. Keilschrifttexte Aus Assur Literarischen Inhalts, Band 2. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
history: BabMed <http://geschkult.fu-berlin.de/e/babmed/Corpora/BAM, -3/BAM-3_-203>
[sec54382] N.d.
- Composite No.:
- Museum No.: VAT 11239
- Accession No.:
- Provenience: Assur (mod. Qalat Sherqat)
- Elevation:
- Stratigraphic Level:
- Excavation No: Ass 19391
- Findspot Square:
- Findspot Comments:
- Period: Neo-Assyrian (ca. 911-612 BC)
- Dates Referenced:
- Alternative Years:
- Date Comments:
- Accounting Period: 0
Created | Creator | Type | Authors | Project | Reviewer | Status | Action |
2024-11-24 at 07:53:13 | Pagé-Perron, Émilie | Artifact | Pagé-Perron, Émilie | Pagé-Perron, Émilie | approved |
2024-11-24 at 07:44:26 | Pagé-Perron, Émilie | Artifact, Other Entity | Pagé-Perron, Émilie | Pagé-Perron, Émilie | approved |
2024-05-28 at 09:10:27 | Firth, Richard | Artifact, Other Entity | Firth, Richard | Firth, Richard | approved |
2023-07-05 at 14:39:36 | Rattenborg, Rune | Artifact | Rattenborg, Rune | Geomapping Landscapes of Writing | Rattenborg, Rune | approved |
2017-05-09 at 12:15:20 | Johnson, J. Cale | Atf | Johnson, J. Cale | CDLI | approved |
2007-07-23 at 00:00:00 | CDLI | Artifact | CDLI | CDLI | approved |
Consult this artifact as presented on the website of collections and projects: